Every company wants to hire an employee that will stay with them for a long time. Companies want employees that can deliver effective results for the firm. But, it is not always in the hands of the recruiters to get the best talent on board. Often, bad hires happen. The best-case scenario over here is when the company realizes its mistake and removes the candidate before any real harm is done to the company. On the contrary, the worst-case scenario could be when the candidate has failed to do the job, lowered workplace morale, or caused various other issues in the company. No matter the scenario, your company will have to go through the hiring process again. This is a very tedious job for sure. So, what’s the solution to this? The best way you can avoid making bad hires is by performing a background check. Before making any employment offers to the candidate, it is better to make background checks. This check will uncover any detail that a person might hide during the interview. So, your company will get a chance to hire only respected and deserving candidates with this process. Now, let us know some crucial reasons behind performing background checks.

Why perform pre-employment background checks?

Before hiring an employee, the recruiter tries to know everything during the interviews. But, it is not easy to determine whether the candidate is worthy or not only through the interviews. Interviews are more about testing the knowledge and competence of the candidate. But when you are hiring a candidate, it’s necessary to know more about them. This is where pre-employment background checks come in. Some of the crucial advantages of employee background checks are:

Hire only qualified candidates – People often embellish their work history when they are trying to find a job. If you perform an employee background check, you will know the correct work history or education and not end up hiring an unqualified candidate.Workspace safety – Background checks will be the biggest savior for your company so that you don’t end up hiring any dangerous candidates. One such mistake can completely ruin your company and its reputation.Character check – Candidates often exaggerate themselves or their background in interviews. You can hire a person with the right character for your company through background checks.Avoiding bad hires – Whenever a wrong person is hired, the entire process has to be repeated. This will cost the company’s time and resources. Instead, a simple background check can save a lot of effort down the line.

These are some of the crucial benefits of performing a background check before hiring any candidate. Now, as you know about the reason for performing these checks, let’s now see what to cover in a background check. So, here’s a list of things that you need to consider for performing a detailed pre-employment background check.

What things to cover in a pre-employment background check?

You will only need the candidate’s name, social security number, and birthday to collect all the relevant information through public and private databases. This data will help you understand whether the candidate is worthy or not. The things covered in a pre-employment background check are:

Identity verification – Confirm whether the candidate possesses legal rights to work in the country or not. Also, confirm whether the person’s basic details match with the database or not.Education – Verify the accuracy of the candidate’s educational background through degrees and universities and compare it with the resume.Criminal history – Check if the candidate has been convicted for any crime, has any outstanding warrants, or is on the government watchlist. This is a crucial check to learn about the behavior of the candidate.Government-issued licenses – If you are hiring for a candidate requiring a government license like a medical license, teaching credential, or something similar, you should check for the same.Employment history – Verify the candidate’s work history to see where the candidate has worked in the past and for how long.

A proper background check will determine whether the person is fit for the job or not. Other than that, you can also expand by going through their social media accounts or asking for their review from previous employers and colleagues. The more information you can gather about the candidate, the better decision you can make for your company. But, it is never easy to do all the work manually. This is where you can take the help of background check software. It will help you find all the necessary information with ease. So, let us look through some of the best background check software that can benefit your company.


Certn helps you to reduce your hiring time by 80%. It is a useful tool for both recruiters and candidates. Even as a candidate, you can get a background check for yourself. This can help you have the upper hand before the interview process because you can clear certain things beforehand. Certn provides accurate screening results with quicker turnaround times. You will receive screening results within a few minutes instead of waiting for weeks. As the platform performs all the checks one by one, you can also determine whether the candidate is able to complete the checks or not. Certn allows you to customize the screening package as per your company requirements completely. So,


Veremark is a seamless platform to verify the credentials of your existing or prospective employees. You can expect accurate results through this platform, and it will help you hire the best talent for your company. The best thing about Veremark is that recruiters can completely tailor it for any industry or role. So, you can expect the perfect platform for your company. There are no lengthy contracts or subscriptions, so you can pay-as-you-go with this platform. You get to choose from a wide variety of online background checks, including identity, bankruptcy, credit, civil background, and more checks. You can hire right with automation through Veremark. The Veremark API can be directly integrated into your workflow for smooth hiring and screening. The reports about candidates or employees can be easily shared through a link or PDF. The dashboard will provide you with real-time updates about employees. If you have fed certain criteria in the system, you will also know whether they are met or not. With plenty of checks in one background check software, it is a perfect tool for high-growth startups, mid-sized companies, and even enterprise businesses.


Sterling will make it easy for your company to hire only the best talents. The robust verification engine of Sterling can deliver accurate and precise results. The software possesses its own data sources for reliable information in a quicker turnaround time. Sterling performs all the necessary background checks like employment history, educational background, credential verification, and also professional reference verification. So, you can rely on their results as it is perfectly designed for modern businesses. Sterling is more about delivering faster and more accurate verifications with their blend of technology and consultative approach. It is an ideal choice for small, mid-size, and large enterprises. So, it turns out that Sterling is a valuable resource when it comes to hiring new employees.


GHRR is Global HR Research. It provides customized screening solutions to cater to your business and company needs. The expert team at GHRR knows every problem in the hiring process and helps solve it beforehand. So, you can expect the software to work for your company the way you want. GHRR serves many industries, including construction, education, energy, financial services, healthcare, government, hospitality, and many more. On top of that, you also get top-notch services with different checks. Some of the best services are general screening, drug & health screening, identity & biometrics, monitoring, and onboarding services. GHRR claims to be better with everything to the next level. It possesses better intelligence, technology, and teams. So, you can expect high-quality support for your company. There’s no need to worry about employee background checking as GHRR takes care of it.


Xref helps you with online reference checking before you hire a new employee. You can get a better idea about the candidates through reference checking. Xref allows you to automate the process of employee reference checking. You only need to feed the data on the platform, and you will receive the insights within 24 hours. Xref will also provide fraud alerts. Xref will perform various background checks like financial, educational qualification, predictive psychometric, and more. Several world-class background checking providers perform this check, and you get all the results through Xref. The identity of every existing employee or prospective employee is validated in real-time with advanced technology. The best thing about Xref is that it integrates with plenty of tools that recruiters typically use. So, you can expect a smooth hiring process as background checking is handled by this tool.


PeopleG2 provides the companies with the industry’s most flexible and intuitive background check software solutions. It is a combination of various tools to perform an employee background check in the best way. The best thing about PeopleG2 is that it combines automation with a bit of human touch as and where it is needed. So, you can expect accurate and relevant background check results with PeopleG2. With this automation, you can make your hiring process faster with no red flags going unnoticed. It is a user-friendly platform with the right tools required to perform a background check.


Checkr is considered one of the best background check software for employers. You can even invite up to 25 candidates in one go and get simple reports to make the hiring decision faster and more effective. This bulk-invite feature helps Checkr stand out among the other tools. You can expect reports with all the types of background checks for every candidate. There is no background check left out through this tool. The easy-to-navigate interface makes it the first choice for recruiters. On top of that, Checkr is also mobile-friendly to access it from any place. The color-coding feature makes the report simple and easy to understand for everyone. The only downside of Checkr is that some background checks might even take up to 3 weeks due to delays in county court searches.

you have to pay only for the services you are using.


GoodHire is famous for its standard criminal background check. If you wish to perform all the other reviews like credit history, healthcare sanctions, educational qualifications, and job history, you need to purchase those checks. GoodHire is a professional employee background check software with detailed reporting. If you perform identity verification or social security number trace, you get instantaneous results. If you are performing a criminal check, it will take approximately 1-3 working days. This platform is a worthy choice for customized background checks. You can create the right package based on your company requirements. You can integrate the GoodHire API in your hiring process to make the process smoother. This will eventually make your hiring process faster with better quality of employees getting hired.

Good Egg

Good Egg has introduced text messaging for quicker check results. When it comes to optimizing the entire hiring process for mobiles, the background check process needs to be handled well. Good Egg’s employee background check process is mobile-friendly to make it easy for recruiters and applicants. Good Egg covers all the background checks like social media monitoring, employment verifications, education verifications, pre-employment drug tests, and criminal background checks. You will get the speed that you wish from a background check provider. So, you can completely optimize the hiring process and make it quicker. With these checks, you can not only boost your hiring process, but you can also focus on hiring the best only. Take the right hiring decision only after performing these checks.


If you are hiring a new candidate in your company, it is necessary to perform background checks. The above-mentioned background check software will make the hiring process smooth and easy for the recruiters. This will prevent any nuisance and also help you get the best talent on board. Check out Top 11 Recruitment Software to Make Hiring Effective.

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