Círdan may not have been a major character in the film trilogy, but he plays an important part in Middle-earth’s history and J.R.R. Tolkien‘s legendarium, including during the Second Age of Middle-earth during which The Rings of Power is set. At the end of the First Age, Círdan became a friend and ally to eventual Elven High King Gil-galad – the two fought together in the Great Battle against Morgoth and his evil forces. During the Second Age, Círdan is one of the oldest and wisest Elves in Middle-earth. He helps the survivors of the war of the First Age form the Elven port city of Grey Havens and gives up his dream of sailing west to lend his gift of foresight to the Elves. Círdan received this gift from the Valar (god-like immortal beings) for his loyalty during the First Age, and it helps him provide guidance to the Elves as they rebuild and regain their strength post-war. After losing his friend Gil-galad in the war against Sauron in the Second Age, Círdan retreats to Grey Havens, where he rules over the city through the Third and Fourth Ages. He eventually gives Narya to Gandalf and helps the Third Age ring bearers go west from Grey Havens after their journey to Mordor is complete.  In other words, including Círdan in The Rings of Power season 2 is a no-brainer for the series. There aren’t many Elves in Tolkien’s work that live for as long as he does, and his history in Tolkien’s work is very much intertwined with several of the stories being explored on the show. It’ll be particularly interesting to see how he’s integrated into The Rings of Power‘s main plot — the forging of the magical rings themselves — and what that all reveals about his relationship with Gil-galad.