Google always surprises you with new updates to make your lives easier than before. Over the years, Google has always come up with various updates like RankBrain, neural matching, and BERT. Now, Google has launched the latest AI breakthrough – MUM, which includes Google multisearch. It makes your googling more precise and provides you with better search results. 

What is Google multisearch?

Google multisearch allows you to search the web through text and images rather than just through search phrases. Here’s an example Has it ever happened to you like you were thinking of something but didn’t’ know the name or didn’t know how to describe it? Let’s say you want a specific type of dress or any part of your car, and you don’t’ know how to describe it. It is on top of your mind; you want it in a particular color or size. Now, what Google multisearch does is, let you click a picture from your phone or upload the image from your gallery. After that, you can see a text box and mention your query/ question, and then boom! You will get the thing that you were looking for. 

What is the basic premise of Google multisearch? 

In May 2021, Google introduced MUM- Multitask Unified Model, a new update for features in Google Lens. MUM uses artificial intelligence (AI) or NLP to understand and analyze natural language and uses multimodal data to respond to sophisticated search questions. Google MUM can analyze data from numerous media formats and comprehend various languages to answer queries. MUM can understand audio, video, and image files in addition to text. It is currently available in beta form, so search results might be a little unsteady. 

How can you access Google multisearch on their Android and iPhone Devices?

You can use Google multisearch in just a few clicks. These are the following steps.

Open the Google App on your Mobile (Android or iPhone)Click on the button on the bottom left corner called home on iPhone and discover in AndroidNow click on the Google Lens in the search bar.It will open up the camera. Here, you can take a picture of anything you want to search about or upload a picture already saved on your device.When the Visual matching menu displays at the bottom of your screen, swipe up to open it, then click add to your search to the top.Add other information, such as the brand or color, and rerun the search.

 What are the use cases in which Multisearch can be very helpful?

Google multisearch can be very helpful in many cases, especially in online shopping, when you don’t’ know the name of certain things. To understand it better, let’s check some examples. 

You find the really interesting pattern on a table cloth, and you want a shirt just like the pattern. You can’t’ define any pattern using text, but Google multisearch will still help you get the desired results using images and text.Let’s take an instance where you have a leaky tap and want to get it fixed by ordering the new valve but didn’t know the name. Now, you know Google multisearch is the solution.Google multisearch also has features to search for text, places, shopping, search, dining, translation, and homework.

Now, what you have read above is just the beginning. Google is coming up with one more cool feature to improve your search experience: Google multisearch near me, which helps get the best search results locally. You can get anything from slippers to food. Let’s say you find a picture of a tempting dish online, it will make you hungry, and you want to have it.  Now, you need to go on Google multisearch, upload the picture and write a text saying near me, and gotcha, you will find the restaurants providing the same dish near you.


Undoubtedly, Google multisearch is an amazing update by Google, and you will see more such updates which will blow your mind in the coming future. Leverage this amazing Google search update.  It facilitates a more natural and intuitive understanding of the environment around you. Whether you are a frequent online shopper or a small business owner, it will benefit you.  You can now search for places, dining options, and questions from homework and translate the languages just by capturing the photo or uploading the pictures from the gallery.  So, Keep Googling!

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